February 22, 2004

OMG They Killed Ralph (those bastards?)

Holy moly. So Ralph is running.

Regardless of your opinion on Nader, the truth, noted even by former Nader supporters is that had Gore won NH or FL in the last election George W. Bush would never have been president. Give Gore Nader's votes in either of those two states, and Gore wins the election.

After announcing his candidacy today, Nader gave an extended interview on All Things Considered (listen here) this afternoon. To tell the truth, he sounded kind of crazy. Among other things, he suggested that he would be wooing more conservative voters than liberal ones. He argues that the extreme right, angry with Bush for his stance on trade issues and on individual rights (Patriot Act), will be inclined to vote for a third party candidate, meaning Ralph. Left leaning voters, he contests, will stick with the Democratic party because, unlike in the last election, Democrats are currently the not-in-power-party, and historically the voters for independant candidates have always come from the in-power-party.

According to Nader, Howard Dean called a few minutes before announcing the end of his candidacy. Nader seemed to suggest that Dean wants to find a way to transition the Dean base to Nader. Dean has been quoted before as saying he was against any 3rd party candidates running in this election.

Bill Richardson (Gov. New Mexico, possible Dem VP candidate?) came out pretty strongly against Nader, saying that Nader is running purely to inflate his own ego. The Green party (Nader's traditional base) is not supporting Nader's run. A number of Democratic members of Nader organization (eg, Public Citizen) have begun to resign in protest of Nader's decision to run.

What will the impact of Nader's candidacy be on this election?

I voted for Nader in 2000. I voted absentee in California, where, when I mailed my ballot in Gore was up 13 points in the polls. The final results in CA were closer than that, but Gore still took the state. I was thinking "hey, wouldn't it be nice if the Green party got funding in the next election?" I did not know how devisive and destructive George W. Bush would be as president.

Nader thinks he's going to woo extreme right-wing voters? I can't see any of my friends who write for The Dartmouth Review (the closest thing we've got to the Extreme right in Hanover, NH) voting for Nader. My friend Seth, who writes for the Review, got a chance to interview Dennis Kucinich a few weeks ago. He went into the interview wearing an aluminum foil hat with antennae to mock a bill Kucinich's supported (it did ban “psychotronic” devices that are “directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of ... mood management, or mind control”). Do you think Seth is going to vote for Ralph Nader?

Posted by flood at February 22, 2004 05:59 PM

Yeah dude. This time, Nader isn't proving shit. He isn't gonna be on the ticket anywhere. He won't fuck up shit...Dean needs to come out and endorse Kerry or Edwards, getting waylefties to run with them.

He's too old for an ego...he is just living out his ornate fantasy of fucking in the Lincoln Bedroom. Yeah, that'll happen.

ABB All the way...Hippie Children For LIfe


Posted by: E at February 22, 2004 07:29 PM

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According to the Federal Reserve, Americans carry on average, $5,800 in credit card debt from month to month. Making the minimum monthly payment on that debt would take 30 years to pay off and include an additional $15,000 in interest. According to the Administrative Office of the Courts, 2,078,415 bankruptcies were filed in 2005, the largest number of bankruptcy petitions ever filed in any 12-month period in the history of the federal courts. With mounting credit card debt and the new tougher bankruptcy laws, people are looking for alternative ways of managing their debts. Debt consolidation loans have become a popular way to free up money each month by consolidating several monthly credit card payments into a single lower interest loan. But, the question is whether it's best to consolidate your debts into a home equity loan or an unsecured debt consolidation loan.


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According to the Federal Reserve, Americans carry on average, $5,800 in credit card debt from month to month. Making the minimum monthly payment on that debt would take 30 years to pay off and include an additional $15,000 in interest. According to the Administrative Office of the Courts, 2,078,415 bankruptcies were filed in 2005, the largest number of bankruptcy petitions ever filed in any 12-month period in the history of the federal courts. With mounting credit card debt and the new tougher bankruptcy laws, people are looking for alternative ways of managing their debts. Debt consolidation loans have become a popular way to free up money each month by consolidating several monthly credit card payments into a single lower interest loan. But, the question is whether it's best to consolidate your debts into a home equity loan or an unsecured debt consolidation loan.


Posted by: Debt at June 20, 2006 04:35 AM

According to the Federal Reserve, Americans carry on average, $5,800 in credit card debt from month to month. Making the minimum monthly payment on that debt would take 30 years to pay off and include an additional $15,000 in interest. According to the Administrative Office of the Courts, 2,078,415 bankruptcies were filed in 2005, the largest number of bankruptcy petitions ever filed in any 12-month period in the history of the federal courts. With mounting credit card debt and the new tougher bankruptcy laws, people are looking for alternative ways of managing their debts. Debt consolidation loans have become a popular way to free up money each month by consolidating several monthly credit card payments into a single lower interest loan. But, the question is whether it's best to consolidate your debts into a home equity loan or an unsecured debt consolidation loan.


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Posted by: TwoFour at June 24, 2006 04:31 PM

According to the Federal Reserve, Americans carry on average, $5,800 in credit card debt from month to month. Making the minimum monthly payment on that debt would take 30 years to pay off and include an additional $15,000 in interest. According to the Administrative Office of the Courts, 2,078,415 bankruptcies were filed in 2005, the largest number of bankruptcy petitions ever filed in any 12-month period in the history of the federal courts. With mounting credit card debt and the new tougher bankruptcy laws, people are looking for alternative ways of managing their debts. Debt consolidation loans have become a popular way to free up money each month by consolidating several monthly credit card payments into a single lower interest loan. But, the question is whether it's best to consolidate your debts into a home equity loan or an unsecured debt consolidation loan.


Posted by: Debt at July 5, 2006 11:05 PM



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Posted by: TwoFour at July 11, 2006 05:46 AM



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Posted by: TwoFour at July 11, 2006 09:48 PM

According to the Federal Reserve, Americans carry on average, $5,800 in credit card debt from month to month. Making the minimum monthly payment on that debt would take 30 years to pay off and include an additional $15,000 in interest. According to the Administrative Office of the Courts, 2,078,415 bankruptcies were filed in 2005, the largest number of bankruptcy petitions ever filed in any 12-month period in the history of the federal courts. With mounting credit card debt and the new tougher bankruptcy laws, people are looking for alternative ways of managing their debts. Debt consolidation loans have become a popular way to free up money each month by consolidating several monthly credit card payments into a single lower interest loan. But, the question is whether it's best to consolidate your debts into a home equity loan or an unsecured debt consolidation loan.


Posted by: Debt at July 13, 2006 01:23 PM

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Posted by: Structured Settlements at July 19, 2006 09:29 AM

According to the Federal Reserve, Americans carry on average, $5,800 in credit card debt from month to month. Making the minimum monthly payment on that debt would take 30 years to pay off and include an additional $15,000 in interest. According to the Administrative Office of the Courts, 2,078,415 bankruptcies were filed in 2005, the largest number of bankruptcy petitions ever filed in any 12-month period in the history of the federal courts. With mounting credit card debt and the new tougher bankruptcy laws, people are looking for alternative ways of managing their debts. Debt consolidation loans have become a popular way to free up money each month by consolidating several monthly credit card payments into a single lower interest loan. But, the question is whether it's best to consolidate your debts into a home equity loan or an unsecured debt consolidation loan.


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According to the Federal Reserve, Americans carry on average, $5,800 in credit card debt from month to month. Making the minimum monthly payment on that debt would take 30 years to pay off and include an additional $15,000 in interest. According to the Administrative Office of the Courts, 2,078,415 bankruptcies were filed in 2005, the largest number of bankruptcy petitions ever filed in any 12-month period in the history of the federal courts. With mounting credit card debt and the new tougher bankruptcy laws, people are looking for alternative ways of managing their debts. Debt consolidation loans have become a popular way to free up money each month by consolidating several monthly credit card payments into a single lower interest loan. But, the question is whether it's best to consolidate your debts into a home equity loan or an unsecured debt consolidation loan.


Posted by: Debt at August 23, 2006 07:00 AM

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