February 25, 2004

Hate-E or Haiti?

Ok, so let me get this straight.

Bush will deny Haitian refugees from a country whose government we support?

Yet, our policy has always been to accept Cuban refugees wishing to live in the US. Those who came over after Bautista fell in 1959 were organized and mobilized by the CIA in the 60's to help overthrow or assasinate Castro. Bay of Pigs? Disaster.

Is this staunchly anti-Communist just-for-the-sake-of-a-grudge-against-Castro-for-45 years really necessary anymore?


The Cuban community in Miami has tremendous clout (many of these businessmen worked with current Govenor Jeb Bush on scandalous real estate deals in the 80's) and will continue to voice their disconent of a revloution that happened 45 years ago.

Its a shame that our racist policy (Bautista refugees were all mestizo or white descendants of the Spanish Conquistadors. Yes, those same Conquistadors who raped and killed their way to taking over the "New Word" so many years ago) does not allow for the "Compassionate Conservative" government of the US to allow refugees of a country in turmoil. Accepting poor, blacks with nothing to offer us politically is not a priority of the Bush Administration.

To be fair and balanced, I must also say that the policy of Hatian refugees during the Clinton administration was not much better.

As we will watch the violence unfold in Haiti, think of our policy towards Cuba and that to Haiti and think..."we can't even stabilize the region in our own back yard...what makes us think we can do it 10K miles away",



Posted by E at February 25, 2004 01:13 PM | TrackBack


I've noticed that you've refered to "Blacks" in a very detached and uninterested tone in a number of your posts. From the way you phrase things, it sounds like you have trouble identifying with people who have skin darker than your own (I'm assuming you are a "White").

I'm not suggesting that you must be a racist yourself, I'm just trying to tell you how you sound. If you want to be taken seriously when criticizing a "racist policy", you need to be careful to not come off as a racist yourself.

Posted by: jerky at February 25, 2004 05:30 PM

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Posted by: flood at February 25, 2004 06:18 PM

Jerky Boy,

I assume you don't know me, if you did, you would know that I am what is called a "de-sensitized" person when it comes to race.

Race is a huge issue in this country and many peeople make too big an issue out of it. An entire spectrum of accpetance and understanding existsL:

There are those who are ignorant and have never come in to contact with people of other ethnicities. And those who cry "racist" when infact no racist exists. (Jerky, I don't care what you say, I will always quote by dawg 50 Cent in his best song "What up Gangsta")

Gangstas, they bump my shit then they know me I grew up around some niggaz that's not my homies

Oh wait, I forgot, I'm white so I can't say the N word right? Fuck that, its a rap song man. I could easily say, "Me and my niggaz went to private school". It would have the same effect. Its not racist for me to say that, I'm using cultural slang. Like our parents called shit groovy or how my flamingly homosexual boss calls the fax machine "gay" when it doesn't work.

People are overly sensitive and I think that says something about the defensive nature of our culture. Britney Spears can have sex with a pole on MTV all day and cop shows can show bleeding bodies, but when Bono says "fucking" or Janet Jackson exposes her breast in order to sell more albums, everyone shits themselves. Chill out, there are more imporant things to do.

As far as using the term "blacks" is concerned, I will refrain from using it, only to add that I frequently mispell Hatian...shit, I did it again. Also, my comic tone has large amounts of sarcasm in it. By saying "The Bush Administration doesn't care about the poor blacks of Haiti" doesn't make me a bad person. Although Rush Limbaugh might call me a dirty word like "liberal", but screw him, he's a drug addict.

Sorry if I offended you before, not sorry if you are offended more.


Posted by: E at February 25, 2004 06:49 PM

Oh yeah.

Just like Trent Lott, a lot of my best friends are African-American.

Posted by: E at February 25, 2004 06:51 PM

E wrote:

I could easily say, "Me and my niggaz went to private school". It would have the same effect. Its not racist for me to say that, I'm using cultural slang. Like our parents called shit groovy or how my flamingly homosexual boss calls the fax machine "gay" when it doesn't work.


It seems to me that there are a set of words, mostly slurs, whose use is forbidden to all people who are not members of that group to which the slur refers.

Your example of your boss works -- he's allowed to call the fax machine gay, because he is gay. I don't understand how your example of your parents saying "Groovy" works.

This is a cultural meme that we all seem to implicitly accept. I understand that you reject this meme, and I think I understand why -- you take the idealistic stance that it is divisive to separate groups for any reason at all.

Were we to ignore history, this would be a totally reasonable position to take. These slurs do not exist only in the present. Each of these words has a sickening past, rooted in hate and the very derision you would prefer to ignore.

Posted by: jerky at February 25, 2004 08:18 PM

Would I walk up to person and say nigga? No.

Would I walk up to a person and call them gay? No

Would I be upset if someone came up to me and said Kike? Yes

Do I call my Jewish friends Kikes in a joking manner and they me? Sure, sometimes.

This is obvious Jerky, obvious as the need for Universalized Medical Coverage in this country.

However, by breaking down cultural barriers people grow. I work in a restaurant. Many of my co-workers speak very little English. Did I walk up to them and say, "Hola mi sucio Mexicano!" (hello my dirty mexican) the first day? No.

However, after a few weeks of working there, the casual insults flew back and forth like food fight.

"Pinche gordo gringo, tu erres muy rico y tu madre esta una puta" (Fat asshole whitey, you are rich and your mother is a slut)

Did that offend me? No

Did they even know my mother? No

I think race, and racial slurs or percieved racial slurs, become an issue when people are not comfortable with eachother. I do not ignore history by quoting 50 Cent to my friend on the phone or even when I write politically charged raps about our president's administration. (See E's Krazy Korner). History doesn't enter into it. I am not forgetting about slavery, servitude and segregation when I spit a wicked 50 Cent rap. I'm moving forward. Sometimes I call the fax machine gay, I'm not dancing on the grave of Harvey Milk. Call me a shithead, call me an asshole but don't accuse me of ignoring History. I stayed awake in class for that shit.

Maybe you just don't know me well enough to understand. I hardly think my pieces on the Haiti issue offend people of African decent, if anything they show how our government has historically ignored the Haitian issue.

What about Sub-Sarahran Africa and the AIDS problem there? Pharmeceutical companies spend thousands of dollars to host meetings at my restaurant yet the price of drugs is still very high. Racism some say, others will say evil corporate pigs.

Race is an issue if you make it an issue, if you walk around with a chip on your shoulder because somebody called you a name once then you are an idiot. Don't judge me because I portrayed Haitians as poor and black...because well, many of them are. That's the truth.

I shouldn't have to be a multi-Platinum rap artist to say "nigga" and you don't have to be a poor Haitian wondering why the hell the US ignores and "repatriates" you to say "poor and black". This is precisely why the US does ignore them. They have no money and even if they did settle in our country, they wouldn't vote republican. The Cuban immigrants did have money and they do vote, henceforth the welcome waggon.

History is not ignored when you understand it and work to build a better communication channel with those you might not normally come in to contact with. This is why travelling is great. I'm sure tons of foriegners think all americans are fat and eat McDonalds every day...except for some, that isn't the case.

I am not a racist, I may be a loudmouth asshole who says things that cross the line sometimes but I've never hated anybody for what they look like. Except rich Texans who scam, lie, double cross and cheat their way to the presidency.

I fucking HATE them.

get your war on,

Posted by: E at February 25, 2004 11:39 PM

"The Cuban immigrants did have money and they do vote, henceforth the welcome waggon."

I don't think it's was about money. Cuban immigrants left their country with the clothes on their back. Castro stripped those who left of everything they had, even their jewlery.

How did they become a powerful force in South Florida? Many of those immigrants were well educated professionals just looking for a place to prosper.

"This is precisely why the US does ignore them."

Not if they can hit a baseball 400 feet! Beisball ben berry berry gwood to me.


Posted by: no one exceptional at February 27, 2004 12:34 AM

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