February 26, 2004

My main man JC

That's right, the Passions of the Christ opened yesterday and all of the religious bru-ha-ha opened along with it. Many people don't know that originally, he was named Seth from Nazareth, but since he was going to be Hollywood, he wanted his name to sound less Jewish.

But seriously:


Ok, ok I'll pretend I'm busy.

On a serious note, the commercialization of the Christian Savior has gotten way out of hand.

We need to ask serious questions of the man many believe to be the son of God.

Alright, enough of this. The film debuted yesterday and I went to the movie theatre. No, not to see the movie but to see 50 First Dates . Probably a much more uplifting movie than what the venerable Roger Ebert describes he saw in POC:

The movie is 126 minutes long, and I would guess that at least 100 of those minutes, maybe more, are concerned specifically and graphically with the details of the torture and death of Jesus. This is the most violent film I have ever seen.

A Mel Gibson movie violent? Really? Payback was about families reconciling their differences and then Mel Gibson killing like 30 people, wasnt' it?

Newsweek ran a cover (the article isn't available online) last week and asked the poignant question:

Who Really Killed Jesus?


Colonel Mustard in the Study with the Candlestick

The letters that people have written about the hype and hoopla of this movie ire fantastic. A sample of some of the better ones below:

As long as there are Christians like Mel Gibson who focus their energies on Jesus' suffering and death, instead of on his life and teachings, there will always be Christian anti-Semitism and a need to assign guilt to someone. Only when Christians learn to "turn the other cheek," "love thy neighbor as thyself" and "forgive thine enemies" can they truly say they are followers of Jesus.
In an age when the "scariest" and most polarizing thing in America is a seconds-long flash of bare breast on television, I find it upsetting that religious leaders are wasting so much time on Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ." Are Americans really so closed-minded today that they are afraid people will accept one man's artistic impression as a representation of reality? I would like to think, were I a Christian or Jew, that my faith would be strong enough not to be threatened by a film or painting. But the furor and offense over "The Passion," a film, as I write this, not even yet released, says otherwise about the nature of people. Religion is the one aspect of society that refuses to evolve, clinging in fright to its ancient superstitions and archaic antifeminist stereotypes, wearing its millenniums-old inflexibility and adherence to tradition above all as a badge of honor. But institutions must change as the needs of people change over time; perhaps religious leaders should wrangle with the question of what is important about being religious and stop being so touchy about what other people think.
Mel Gibson ought to send a bouquet of flowers to the Anti-Defamation League as a thank-you for helping to turn his doomed-to-failure, Aramaic and Latin, anti-Jewish, Bible movie into a social phenomenon that made the cover of NEWSWEEK. Now millions of people who would have ignored the movie will rush out to see what the fuss is all about. The ADL did a disservice to the Jewish community that they pretend to protect.
How do Jon Meacham (the author of the piece in Newsweek) and the scholars he cites know that the account of "The Passion" did not occur as Mel Gibson portrays it? Were they there? Surely it is better to go by the accounts of the people who were there as written in the New Testament.

My personal favorite:

I find it hard to believe that anyone would trust Mel Gibson to produce a truly accurate portrayal of the last hours of Jesus Christ. Here is a man who says he attends mass every morning—only to turn around and make violent films like "Lethal Weapon 4" and "The Patriot," which glorify the violence that he so condemns in "The Passion." Thanks, but I'd rather take lessons in history and morality elsewhere.

Is anyone who was "there" still alive? Writing wasn't invented until much later, the story of Jesus survived because of his apostles and what they decided to say about him. People are all crazy because Mel Gibson says this is the exact story of Jesus. Since when is Mel Gibson an authority on anything but how to pretend like you are smart when you are really just a fading Hollywood actor. Chill out ADL, chill out religious-right...its a movie. Did anyone get this upset when Dude Where's My Car? came out?

I know I sure did. I hated the way that movie made fun of stupid people. They have rights you know. Like voting Republican and "vacationing" to Branson MO.



Posted by E at February 26, 2004 11:06 AM | TrackBack

What's all the fuss? It seems that Mel Gibson is a closeted anti-semite.

Check this out -- Yesterday, the day the film came out, A Denver Church displayed a message that says:
"Jews Killed The Lord Jesus" – "I Thess. 2:14, 15" – "Settled!"

After complaints from the ADL, they replaced "Settled!" with "Holy Scripture." We've come a long way folks.

From the same article:

Some critics say Gibson's portrayal of Pilate as a reluctant crucifier, placing the blame on the Jewish high priest Caiaphas, are examples from the film of flashpoints that could foster resentment and even violence against Jews.

Gibson removed the subtitles from a scene in the movie in which Caiaphas says, "His blood be on us and our children."

How could he even have thought putting in that subtitle MIGHT be OK? Do you think they tried it on focus groups before they took it out?

A couple of Gem's about Mel Gibson's father:
Mel Gibson's father Describes Holocaust as Fiction (Sun Herald)
Mel Gibson's father denies Holocaust, again (AP)

Posted by: flood at February 26, 2004 12:33 PM

Got this today...another look at The Passion. It was written by a guy with a suffix (PhD):

THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST: Well, I went last night to see the movie everyone is talking about. I'm writing this not long after leaving the theater so these are my raw and immediate impressions - not a fully considered review. I was of course deeply moved in parts. If you are a person of the Christian faith, it is impossible not to be moved by a rendition of the passion of the Savior that is not a travesty. The very story itself, embedded in the soul and the memory, stirs the emotions and prayers and meditations of a lifetime. To see it rendered in a believable setting in languages that, however inaccurate, give you an impression of being there, is arresting. It brings this simple but awe-inspiring story to life in a way very difficult to approximate in the written or spoken word. You can see why Passion plays were once performed. The Gospels do end in extraordinary drama, pathos, plot, agony. Portraying them vividly may, we can hope, bring some people to read the Gospels and even to explore further what the redemptive message of Jesus really is.

PURE PORNOGRAPHY: At the same time, the movie was to me deeply disturbing. In a word, it is pornography. By pornography, I mean the reduction of all human thought and feeling and personhood to mere flesh. The center-piece of the movie is an absolutely disgusting and despicable piece of sadism that has no real basis in any of the Gospels. It shows a man being flayed alive - slowly, methodically and with increasing savagery. We first of all witness the use of sticks, then whips, then multiple whips with barbed glass or metal. We see flesh being torn out of a man's body. Just so that we can appreciate the pain, we see the whip first tear chunks out of a wooden table. Then we see pieces of human skin flying through the air. We see Jesus come back for more. We see blood spattering on the torturers' faces. We see muscled thugs exhausted from shredding every inch of this man's body. And then they turn him over and do it all again. It goes on for ever. And then we see his mother wiping up masses and masses of blood. It is an absolutely unforgivable, vile, disgusting scene. No human being could sruvive it. Yet for Gibson, it is the h'ors d'oeuvre for his porn movie. The whole movie is some kind of sick combination of the theology of Opus Dei and the film-making of Quentin Tarantino. There is nothing in the Gospels that indicates this level of extreme, endless savagery and there is no theological reason for it. It doesn't even evoke emotion in the audience. It is designed to prompt the crudest human pity and emotional blackmail - which it obviously does. But then it seems to me designed to evoke a sick kind of fascination. Of over two hours, about half the movie is simple wordless sadism on a level and with a relentlessness that I have never witnessed in a movie before. And you have to ask yourself: why? The suffering of Christ is bad and gruesome enough without exaggerating it to this insane degree. Theologically, the point is not that Jesus suffered more than any human being ever has on a physical level. It is that his suffering was profound and voluntary and the culmination of a life and a teaching that Gibson essentially omits. One more example. Toward the end, unsatisfied with showing a man flayed alive, nailed gruesomely to a cross, one eye shut from being smashed in, blood covering his entire body, Gibson has a large crow perch on the neighboring cross and peck another man's eyes out. Why? Because the porn needed yet another money shot.

GUTTING THE MESSAGE: Moreover, the suffering is rendered almost hollow by a dramatic void. Gibson has provided no context so that we can understand better who Jesus is - just a series of cartoon flashbacks. We cannot empathize with Mary fully or with Peter or John - because they too are mere props for the violence. The central message of Jesus - of love and compassion and forgiveness - is reduced to sound-bites. Occasionally, such as when the message of the sermon on the mount is juxtaposed with the crucifixion, the effect is almost profound - because there has been an actual connection between who Jesus was and what happened to him. But this is the exception to the rule. Watching the movie, you can see how a truly powerful rendition could have been made - by tripling the flashbacks and context, by providing a biography of Jesus, by showing us why he endured what he endured. Instead, all that context, all that meaning, has been removed for endless sickening gratuitous violence.

PILATE, THE SAINT: Is it anti-Semitic? The question has to be placed in the context of the Gospels and it is hard to reproduce the story without risking such inferences. But in my view, Gibson goes much further than what might be forgivable. The first scene in which Caiphas appears has him relaying to Judas how much money he has agreed to hand over in return for Jesus. The Jew - fussing over money again! There are a few actors in those scenes who look like classic hook-nosed Jews of Nazi imagery, hissing and plotting and fulminating against the Christ. For good measure, Gibson has the Jewish priestly elite beat Jesus up as well, before they hand him over to the Romans; and he has Jesus telling Pilate that he is not responsible - the Jewish elite is. Pilate and his wife are portrayed as saints forced by politics and the Jewish elders to kill a man they know is innocent. Again, this reflects part of the Gospels, but Gibson goes further. He presents Pilate's wife as actually finding Mary, providing towels to wipe up Jesus' blood, arguing for Jesus' release. Yes, the Roman torturers are obviously evil; yes, a few Jews dissent; and, of course, all the disciples are Jewish. I wouldn't say that this movie is motivated by anti-Semitism. It's motivated by psychotic sadism. But Gibson does nothing to mitigate the dangerous anti-Semitic elements of the story and goes some way toward exaggerating and highlighting them. To my mind, that is categorically unforgivable. Anti-Semitism is the original sin of Christianity. Far from expiating it, this movie clearly enjoys taunting those Catholics as well as Jews who are determined to confront that legacy. In that sense alone, it is a deeply immoral work of art.

Posted by: E at February 26, 2004 02:26 PM

I know colobumumum is a great word.

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